Home / For Adults / 7 Office Christmas Party Games

7 Office Christmas Party Games

The spirit of Christmas is essentially infectious, making even the dreary workplaces throb with warmth as the day approaches. So, all those out there with grim faces, come out and spare some time for these exciting Christmas party games to make your bleak office rooms lively and cheerful.

Office Christmas Party Games

Christmas Party Game Ideas for Work

Guess Who Am I: An Icebreaker Game for Small Groups

Office Christmas Party Guessing Game

Things you’ll need
  • Small pieces of paper, 1 for each player
  • A large bowl
  1. Distribute small pieces of paper to a group of say eight members.
  2. Ask everyone to write down any funny Christmas incident that has happened to them in two or three lines.
  3. Collect all the papers in the bowl.
  4. Now, as you pick up one and read loudly, the rest has to guess in turns, the person who has written it.
  5. The player with the most right guesses is the winner.

Christmas Movie Trivia: A Fun Game for Large Groups

Office Christmas Party Trivia Game for Large Groups

Things you’ll need
  • Cut outs of small objects related to Christmas such as bells, gifts, cards, etc
  • Tape
  • Pens for each member
  • Sheets of paper
  1. In the cut outs, write questions concerning Christmas movies, such as: Name the film in which a little boy called “Kevin” is left all alone at home during his vacations.
  2. Paste them on the walls of the party room with tape.
  3. Provide all members’ pens and paper where they are to write down the respective answers.
  4. Read out the answers at the end to declare who has got the most answers correct.

Converse from a Message: An Interactive Holiday Dinner Table Game

Christmas Dinner Party Game for Work

Things you’ll need
  • Paper strips
  • Pen for writing the messages
  • Dinner plates
  1. Take small bits of paper and write in each, funny phrases like “If I were Santa Claus” or “ Today I saw a reindeer,” that in no way fits in a dinner conversation.
  2. Now, attach them to dinner plates.
  3. As each player gets his slip, he has to include the message in his talk, making sure that the infusion does not in the least look out of place.
  4. At any point, if it does appear so, that particular member is out of the game. The player who sticks till the end wins!

Sing Along With Clues: An Enjoyable Game

Office Party Christmas Game Sing-Along

Things you’ll need
  • Strips of paper
  • A large bowl
  • Timer
  • Dry erase board and marker
  1. Write down the first line of some favorite Christmas songs in some paper strips. You may select songs like “White Christmas” or “I’ll be home for Christmas,” etc.
  2. Put them in a bowl.
  3. Make two teams and let one member from each to pick up a strip.
  4. Each member has to make his team identify the song by the clues he draws on the board within a given time.
  5. The team that comes up with the right guesses dons the winning cap.

Secret Santa: An Easy All-Time Favorite Game

Fun Secret Santa Game for Office Christmas Party

This game requires some activities that can be done one day before. Accordingly, before the very day, in small paper strips, write down the names of your colleagues.

  1. Draw lots so that each member gets a slip.
  2. Now, each has to bring a gift for the person, whose name he has got in the paper strip.
  3. Every secret Santa also has to write two lines about himself in a slightly puzzling manner.
  4. All gift receivers have to identify their givers from the lines written.

Abide by or Take a Shot: A Funny Drinking Game

Office Christmas Party Drinking Games for Adults

Things you’ll need
  • Small cards
  • Pen
  • Shots of any preferred beverage (you can go for alcohol too!)
  1. Write down words or phrases such as, beer, party, fun, job, and phrases like, I don’t know, I wish, I can’t imagine, etc., that are often used while talking in small cards.
  2. Let each member see the words for a few minutes.
  3. Remove the cards.
  4. Every time anyone spots someone using any of those words, he has to shout, “Penalty” to make everybody take note of his flaw.
  5. The concerned person, who by mistake utters it, has to drink.

Wrapping You Up: A Minute to Win it Christmas Game

Fun Christmas Office Party Games

Things you’ll need
  • Crepe paper of any color
  • Reindeer headbands
  1. Make teams of two players
  2. One player has to wrap his teammate from head to foot with crepe paper and also put the headband within the time given
  3. If the paper breaks, then that particular team can carry on wrapping but it loses points.
  4. The team that completes the activity within a minute gets prizes.

Corporate work usually encompasses a lot of unavoidable stress, boredom, and monotony that in the long run makes life seem useless. But escape is hardly a judicious option. So, selecting Christmas as the perfect occasion, play these games with all heart and soul, relive your childhood days and relish some moments of absolute bliss.

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