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5 Scary Sleepover Games

Turn sleepovers into spine-chilling experiences by playing this unique collection of scary games. They are fun to play in a group as you make yourselves cozy in the bed on chilly winter nights. However, the list features some games that can be played with only 2 players and also a few that suit an outdoor setting.

Scary Sleepover Games

Scary Games to Play at Halloween Sleepovers

A Twist in the Tale

Scary Game to Play at Sleepover

Hone your story-telling skills in this game. Teenagers and adults would like to participate in this. The spookier the story, the more interesting it gets.

  1. Sit in a large circle in a dark room.
  2. The first player holds a flashlight below his face and starts a story. The genre is horror.
  3. As soon as an exciting, scary part of the tale is reached, the flashlight is passed to the next person.
  4. He continues the story with his own
  5. The last player gives it an appropriate conclusion.

Bloody Mary

Scary Game for Sleepover

  1. Out of the group, secretly earmark a person who should hide in the bathroom. He should wear a scary Halloween costume.
  2. Turn off the bathroom lights, make a player enter and close the door.
  3. He should chant “Bloody Mary” 3 times.
  4. At the 3rd chant, the hidden person comes out and pulls at the participant’s hand. The grip should not hurt, but it should be firm and difficult to free oneself from.

As the blood-curdling cry of a participant reaches the players outside, watch their reaction. The “ghost” should now reveal her true identity alleviating all of the 1st player’s fears and warn him to keep the so called Bloody Mary’s identity a secret to others outside. The person who remains inside for the maximum time is the winner.

Scary Japanese Game for Sleepovers

Scary Game to Play at Sleepover in the Dark

The origins of this mysterious fortune telling game can be traced back to Japan. Involving minimal supplies, the ancient ritual can give you the creeps.

  1. Take a comb and something to cover your face with to a crossroad when it is pitch dark outside.
  2. Brush the comb against your teeth thrice making some noise while chanting “Tsuji-ura, tsuji-ura, grant me a true response” for the same number of times.
  3. When a stranger comes near you, cover your face and ask him to tell your fortune. If he doesn’t want to say, don’t push.

Cat Scratch Scary Game

Scary Game to Play at a Sleepover

You would need at least 2 people for this. If there are more people, they sit around in a circle.

  1. One person sits down on the floor with his legs crossed.
  2. The other person lies down straight with his head on the first person’s lap. His eyes should be closed.
  3. The player who is sitting begins to gently rub the temples of the person on his lap while reciting any one or both of the following scary stories on cats.

Cat Story 1

 There once was an old lady who owned a Cat.

The cat was very nice.

It meowed and purred.

One day, the cat got hit by a car and died.

Catscratch, catscratch, catscratch.

The old lady got a new cat.

The cat was very mean.

It hissed and clawed.

Catscratch, catscratch, catscratch.

One day, the cat got hit by a car and died.

The old lady decided not to get anymore cats.

Catscratch, catscratch, catscratch.

Cat Story 2:

You are walking through a dark alley late at night.

You are the only one there.

The ground is slick with rain.

The alley is filled with garbage cans and litter.

But then you hear something.

A movement in the garbage cans.

You pick up your pace.

You want to get out of the alley fast.

But then you see something.

Red eyes. Glowing red cat eyes.

They are the eyes of an enormous cat.

You run, but the cat chases you and jumps on you.

It scratches you, one, two, three.

Catscratch, catscratch, catscratch!

  1. Immediately after finishing the story/stories, ask the lying person to get up quickly and lift his shirt. He would find scratches made by a cat on his back without feeling a thing.

Scary Concentrate Game to Play at a Sleepover

Sleepover Scary Game

You need 2 people for this game that tells the future about how you will die. One person sits behind the other and chants the following verse while doing rituals. During the chorus, the person sitting in front is pounded lightly on the back. He sits with his eyes closed and doesn’t say a word.Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

Verse 1: Tap the top of the head of the person sitting in front of you with your fist and run your hands down the sides of his head while chanting the below.

Crack an egg on your head.
Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down.
Crack an egg on your head.
Let the yolk run down. Let the yolk run down.

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

Verse 2: Poke the person and then run your hands down both the sides of his back.

Stick ten needles in your sides.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.
Stick ten needles in your sides.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

Verse 3: Tap him on the back with your fist and then run your hands down his back.

Stab a knife in your back.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.
Stab a knife in your back.
Let the blood drip down. Let the blood drip down.

Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.
People are dying. Children are crying.
Concentrate. Concentrate.
Concentrate on what I’m saying.

Verse 4: Mimic the wrapping of a rope around his neck and then pull on the imaginary rope. Make his head move back as if he is being hung.

Wrap a rope around your neck.
Wrap it till it’s tight.
Wrap a rope around your neck.
And… PULL!

Verse 5: Put your hand on his shoulders and whisper the next verse in his ears. When you get to “pushes you” push him so that he steps forward but can regain balance.

You’re on a building.

You’re on the edge.

And you’re very dizzy.

You’re on the edge when someone….pushes you!

Now the person can open his eyes and ask him the color he saw. Match the color with their fortune from the list given below.

Red – He will be stabbed

Blue – He will drown

Yellow- He will be poisoned

Orange – He will burn to death in a fire

Green – He will fall from a height and die on grass

Purple – He will suffocate

Brown – He will be buried alive

Grey – He will die of a disease in hospital

White- He will die of old age and go to heaven

Black – He will die of old age and go to hell

These really scary games are sure to run a shiver down your spine. Saturday nights can be one spooky episode thanks to the cool games. It’s time for letting out those loud frightening shrieks and screams to your heart’s content.

One response to “5 Scary Sleepover Games”

  1. Olivia Everest says:

    The games are not bad but the pictures are terrifying!!

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