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6 Cool Pool Party Games

When hot spells of summers are in full swing, you may readily go for some cool pool games to zap up yourself as well as others. Be it a large party of pesky kids or a small one of amiable couples, a pool party full of exciting activities, is always appreciated. So, splash, bob, swim – do whatever you want, while playing or organizing any of these fun games listed below to your heart’s content.

Fun Pool Party Game for Toddlers

Hungry Whale

Pool Party Game for Toddlers

Things Needed
  • 1 bandana

For playing this toddler pool party game, involve 1 or 2 slightly bigger kids since they may supervise the little ones better.

  1. Gather 5 or 6 toddlers and make them float on their backs. Have a kid of 3/4 years old pretend as the whale. Blindfold him and make him wade in the middle.
  2. The toddlers must swim around him.
  3. The moment the whale chases a toddler and tags him, that particular child is out. He now chases the others.
  4. The toddler that remains untouched until the end is the winner.

Pool Party Game Ideas for Kids from 5/7 Years to 11 Years

Who Can Swim Fast

Pool Party Games for 6‑11-Year-Olds

Things Needed
  • 1 stopwatch
  • 1 whistle


  1. Assemble a group of 5 kids near your indoor pool and let them stand horizontally in a line.
  2. With your blowing a whistle, they should jump into the pool, hold their breath, swim to the other end and come back.
  3. The one taking the least time gets a prize.

Scavenger Hunt

Pool Party Games for 7 Year Olds

Things Needed
  • 2 coins
  • 2 pool rings
  • 2 dive toys
  • 1 stopwatch

Float these items on the water before starting the game.

  1. Make 2 teams of 3 members each and let one stand near the pool.
  2. As you say “go”, 2 contestants should jump inside and try to collect one from each of the floating objects.
  3. Both should hand over the things collected to the one, standing on the deck. Let the other team repeat the game.
  4. Note the time taken and declare the one, completing first as triumphant.

Pool Party Game for Teenagers

Chicken Fight

Teen Pool Party Games

Things Needed
  • 1 whistle


  1. Divide the participants present into pairs of two.
  2. One member of each pair should ride piggyback on the shoulder of another and then enter the pool.
  3. As soon as you blow the whistle, each pair must try to knock off their opposite members who are riding, by either punching or kicking.
  4. Give the pair that survives longer a medal.

Swimming Party Games for Adults

Push the Watermelon

Swimming Pool Party Games for Adults

Things Needed
  • 2 watermelons
  • 1 stopwatch
  1. Make 2 participants stand on two separate sides of a pool.
  2. After placing the watermelons at two corners of the pool, blow your whistle.
  3. They must jump into the pool and try to get close to any one of the watermelons, without touching the floor.
  4. The first one to do so is the champ.

Play this game at bachelorette parties and see how your jolly group of young and blushing grooms show their true, naughty colors!

Dress up and Drink

Pool Party Games Adults

Things Needed
  • 2 beer bottles
  • 2 big shirts
  • 1 stopwatch

For this drinking game, keep the shirts and bottles at the opposite end of the pool.

  1. Have 2 teams of 2 players each. One group may comprise of all ladies, and the other one may have only gents. They must line up on one side of the pool.
  2. Clap your hands to make them dive into the water and swim to the other side to wear the t-shirts.
  3. Then, they have to drink as much beer as they can and come back to their partners, who have to repeat the same procedure.
  4. The pair completing fast wins.

One of the best plus points of most parties is undeniably the opportunity they offer for undiluted mixing of inmates. And, if there’s a pool in your house, then there’s no guessing how much enjoyment is in store. While playing a host of games, you are also at liberty to fulfill varied purposes like celebrating birthday parties, etc. You may also use icebreaker games to introduce people. So, pick a date fast and summon all your creative instincts in organizing a lively pool party that allows you to be impish, zippy, and gay!

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